5th annual Transfera Technology Day competition

02 Prosinec

2. prosince, 10:00

Praha. Akademie Věd

International Competition Transfer

Authors of scientific research and innovative technologies will have the opportunity to receive valuable information and feedback from renowned experts. The national Transfer Technology Day 2024 event will take place on 2 December 2024.

Intended for: Researchers
Kontakt: Ing. Martin Jambura, jambura@rek.zcu.cz

In the past year, several interesting projects have successfully established cooperation with investors who have helped them in further development or in establishing spin-off or start-up companies. A detailed evaluation of the projects will be provided by Transfera.cz with significant support from CzechInvest, i&i Prague, the Neuron Foundation, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and other partners.

The call also includes a competition of submitted projects and a presentation of the most interesting ones during the final Transfera Technology Day.

If you are interested in applying for the competition, please contact Ing. Martin Jambura (jambura@rek.zcu.cz), who will provide you with further information.


Petr Novák

02. 12. 2024, 10:00

22 Květen

sady Pětatřicátníků 14, 301 00 Pilsen, conference room 408

Faculty of Law

22. 05. 2024, 10:00

10 Duben

Library Bory, Univerzitní 18, Plzeň

University Library

10. 04. 2024, 17:00

06  -  07 Květen

Semlerova rezidence, Klatovská tř. 721, 301 00 Plzeň 3

Faculty of Education

06. 05. 2024, 09:00

31  -  25 Květen - Červen

Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art, Pilsen

Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

31. 05. 2024, 17:00