Winter School: Nuclear New Build

10 Únor
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering is co-organizing an event for which students from all over UWB can apply. Applications are open until February 10.

Enter: free after registration
Intended for: Ph.D. and postgraduate students

Students of the University of West Bohemia are invited to the traditional French-Czech-Slovak winter school focused on nuclear energy, which will take place in Jáchymov.

This intensive week-long course this year focuses on the current theme of Nuclear New Build. The event is conducted in English and is primarily intended for Ph.D. and postgraduate students.

Join us and expand your knowledge in the field of nuclear energy!




10. 02. 2024

10 Březen

EP 208 (FEL - Faculty of Electrical Engineering UWB in Pilsen)

Faculty of Economics

10. 03. 2025, 11:00

07 Květen

Bory Library hall, Univerzitní 18, Pilsen

University Library

07. 05. 2025, 17:00

13 Únor

Ladislav Sutnar Gallery, Riegrova 11, Plzeň

Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

13. 02. 2025, 17:00

27  -  06 Leden - Únor

Fakulta designu a umění Ladislava Sutnara ZČU, Univerzitní 28, Plzeň

Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

27. 01. 2025, 16:00