Ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Council of UWB

13 Listopad

13. listopadu, 13:00

Townsfolk Hall in Pilsen (Mestanska beseda), Kopeckeho sady 59/13, Pilsen


The ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Council of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen will take place on Wednesday 13 November at 1 pm in the large hall of the Townsfolk Hall in Pilsen. Employees and students of UWB are cordially invited.

Intended for: students and employees of UWB

New professors and associate professors will be introduced at the ceremonial meeting of the Scientific Council of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. At the same time, commemorative medals will be awarded to important personalities of the university. 

Rector's leave is announced for the whole day for students. 


Andrea Čandová

13. 11. 2024, 13:00

19 Únor

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22  -  24 Duben

Transfusion Department of the University Hospital Pilsen, 17. listopadu 2479

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16 Duben

Bory Library hall, Univerzitní 18, Pilsen

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