Let's clean up the UWB campus and the surrounding area

29 Březen

29. března, 10:00

Univerzitní 8, Pilsen

Students University Employees

The University of West Bohemia in Pilsen participates in the national event Let's Clean up the Czech Republic. Come with us to clean up the campus of ZČU and its surrounding area so that we can study and work here better.

Enter: free admission after registration
Intended for: students, employees, the public

Meet on Saturday, March 29 at 10 a.m. in front of the UWB Rectorate on the Bory campus, where you will receive bags and gloves. The event is expected to end at 12:30 p.m.

You can register at this link.


Kateřina Dobrovolná

29. 03. 2025, 10:00

16 Duben

Bory Library hall, Univerzitní 18, Pilsen

University Library

16. 04. 2025, 17:00

18  -  11 Únor - Březen

Fakulta designu a umění Ladislava Sutnara ZČU, Univerzitní 28, Plzeň

Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

18. 02. 2025, 16:00

31 Březen

VC301, Faculty of Education, Veleslavínova 42

Faculty of Education

31. 03. 2025, 16:00

21  -  22 Březen

Depo 2015 (Presslova 14), Galerie Ladislava Sutnara (Riegrova 11, Plzeň)

Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

21. 03. 2025

05  -  06 Duben

Ladislava Sutnara Faculty of Design and Art, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Univerzitní 28, Plzeň, Multilab Hall

Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

05. 04. 2025, 16:00