The first electric Formula from the UWB brought back bronze from Portugal

Competition Cooperation Students

The UWB eRacing Team Pilsen finished third overall at the Formula Student Portugal 2024 international races. They also won the Efficiency category and an award for the best-designed component.

The students from the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen traveled to Castelo Branco, Portugal, from September 3rd to 7th with their first electric formula car. Following their August races in Most, this was another opportunity to gain valuable experience in international competition. After tallying points across all physically and mentally demanding disciplines, the UWB students placed third. A major achievement was securing 1st place in the Efficiency sub-discipline, which focused on energy conservation. During the main race, the team was evaluated on achieving the lowest possible consumption of electrical energy.

In addition to the races, student engineering teams are also evaluated in static categories such as Design, Business Plan Presentation, and Cost Analysis. The Pilsen team was particularly pleased to receive a special award for the best-designed and constructed component - a traction inverter that powers the electric motor.

"The inverter uses silicon carbide-based transistors, which replace older types of semiconductors in the Formula Student competition. A unique feature of our inverter is a special filter that limits sudden voltage changes. A major advantage is that we design and manufacture the entire system, including software, ourselves," said Michal Švarc, a member of the electric section of the team.

For the UWB eRacing Team Pilsen, this season was exceptional as it was their first full season since 2019 and also their first time participating with an electric drivetrain. Team leader Jan Procházka proudly states, "We have done a tremendous amount of work and gained the necessary experience for further development. This success is a great reward for all of us for the effort and determination put forth. I would also like to thank our sponsors and faculties for their support - without them, we could not have achieved this," he said.

The UWB eRacing Team Pilsen comprises students from four faculties at UWB - Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Economics, and Applied Sciences. They are now focusing on developing a single-seater for the upcoming season and hope to inspire future generations of engineering students. The team is currently expanding its ranks and recruiting new students interested in joining the Formula Student international competition. Prospective participants can apply on the student team's website.



Kamila Kolářová

13. 09. 2024