Another Czech-German student workshop on neurorehabilitation took place in Konstantinovy Lázně

International Seminar Cooperation

Students of Physiotherapy together with German colleagues from OTH Regensburg took part in an excursion to Konstantinovy Lázně and discussed the topic of neurorehabilitation at the Faculty of Health Care Studies of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.

On Friday 22th March, another international student workshop took place for the project Education of a multidisciplinary Czech-Bavarian student team in neurorehabilitation. The morning programme was opened by Physiotherapy students at the Faculty of Health Care Studies of the University of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen together with foreign partners from OTH Regensburg in Konstantinovy Spa. They were given a tour of the local balneotherapy facilities including an introduction to the neurorehabilitation principles of the spa.

This was followed by an afternoon session hosted by the Faculty of Health Care Studies, during which the students divided into therapy groups. They discussed the possibilities of neurorehabilitation of specific patients after stroke, exchanged experiences with neurorehabilitation approaches, and consulted with lecturers.

The aim of the Czech-Bavarian cooperation was to present the individual sub-strategies of neurorehabilitation for the final student conference, which is planned for June 2024 in Pilsen.


The project Education of a multidisciplinary Czech-Bavarian student team in neurorehabilitation, BYCZ01-038, was supported by the INTERREG Bavaria-Czech Republic 2021-2027 Programme.


Faculty of Health Care Studies

Lucie Brůžková

03. 04. 2024