Another Golden AMPER goes to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Achievements Science and research Employees

FEE is proud of another important award. In the prestigious competition, which annually selects the most beneficial technological exhibits as part of the AMPER fair, the Faculty won the Golden AMPER 2024 for a distribution transformer with an environmentally friendly electrical insulating liquid.

The project of the Distribution Transformer with environmentally friendly electrical insulating fluid in Eco-design II is the result of joint efforts of a team of experts from Faculty of Electrical Engineering, TRAFO CZ, a.s., and EGU Tech s.r.o. "The whole project was based on a long-standing plan to develop and put into practice transformers with biodegradable liquid developed and produced from local renewable resources," says Prof. Pavel Trnka, who received this prestigious award at the AMPER fair in Brno. "Moreover, it shows that an environmentally friendly solution can also be cost-competitive," says Prof. Trnka.

Since its inception, Prof. Trnka has been behind this development and leads a team of FEL experts. "Conducting research in the field of biodegradable liquids brings FEL several offers for cooperation in international projects, cooperation with foreign universities in nanofluids, and outputs for practice. For example, we propose offline and online diagnostic procedures for ester liquids for partners such as ČEZ and EG.D. We are cooperating with the IEC to complete the normative legislation," adds Prof. Trnka.

The 160 kVA distribution transformer with a voltage of 22/0.4 kV became the first of its kind in the Czech Republic to be specially designed for use with bioliquid. ENVITRAFOL, from which the electrical insulating fluid is made, is 100% biodegradable and obtained from local renewable sources. This innovation represents not only an economic benefit due to lower operating costs but also a significant environmental benefit.

"We are proud of our colleagues who have contributed to the development of this transformer and have been awarded the Golden AMPER for their work. This is proof that our Faculty is at the cutting edge of innovation and contributes to the sustainable development of technology," said Prof. Zdeněk Peroutka, Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of West Bohemia.

The transformer with the environmentally friendly electrical insulating fluid ENVITRAFOL is not only a breakthrough technological innovation, but also an example of how an innovative approach can achieve environmental sustainability in the energy sector. This success strengthens the position of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of West Bohemia as a leader in research and innovation in the energy sector.


Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Kateřina Newton

05. 04. 2024