
11  -  31 Prosinec - Leden

11. prosince, 12:00 - 31. ledna, 12:00

FPE UWB, Veleslavínova street, Pilsen

Students Exhibition

We invite you to the exhibition Laétání, which is on display at the FPE UWB in Veleslavínova Street in Pilsen. It is a free textile creation of future art teachers under the guidance of German-Austrian artist Florian Nörl. The title Laétání refers to two activities - cloth making and flying.

Enter: free

Until the end of January, an exhibition of free textile works inspired by the theme of flying can be seen in both atriums of the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Education of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Veleslavínova Street.

The textile project was created within the framework of the RS DKRVO 2024 internationalisation project under the guidance of artist Florian Nörl from Linz, who organised a number of workshops and educational activities at the Faculty of Education and Culture of the West Bohemian University of Technology, as well as presented his own artistic work to the students in an exhibition at the European House Gallery in November this year under the title Eternity, Fossils, Anthropocene. His works are made of so-called textile stone, which he invented and patented. It is a special mixture of glue and old textiles, which he mosaics together and, after a long drying process, grinds into a uniform surface.

The art education students welcomed the opportunity to volunteer intensively in textile creation in the contemporary concept of free art. Their large-scale works of an almost sculptural character testify not only to their imagination, creativity and playfulness, but the long-term project also enabled them to master a new technique. Textile art encourages the pupils' general sensory sensitivity and ability to distinguish material qualities. It is in Austria, where Florian Nörl studied and works, that textile and technical education is still taught in secondary schools alongside art education, because these subjects enable pupils to work with materials and thus support learning processes anchored in reality, unlike digital and media technologies.

Photo: Jan Mašek



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