The Give a Book event was held at the University of West Bohemia for the eighth time. The library organizes the book collection on the occasion of 14 February, the International Book Donation Day. "This year, over the course of two weeks, we selected titles that would appeal to future readers, i.e. the clients of the Harmony Home. There was interest in all genres, but especially in romantic literature and crime fiction. That's why we were pleased that readers brought us interesting and readable titles," said Miloslava Faitová, the director of the UWB University Library.
The University Library handed over the collected books to the Domov Harmonie on Thursday, March 6. The presentation of the selected books was attended by some of the most active readers of the home - Marie Bezděková, Olga Kurzová and Helena Hametová. The readers were surprised by how many titles they managed to get: "I like to read mainly historical novels, for example by the writer Vaňková, and I see that you have brought those for us as well. I'm looking forward to reading them," said Olga Kurzová.
"They are regular visitors to our book lending library, reading up to six books a week. The oldest of them will celebrate her 95th birthday this year. All three of them attend the virtual University of the Third Age, go to joint exercises and are very active and sociable ladies," said Markéta Polívková, head of the activities department of the Domov Harmonie. The Domov Harmonie in Mirošov for the elderly and a home with a special regime prepares a number of activities for its clients, including the opportunity to study the virtual University of the Third Age, use the library or visit the reading club that operates there.
"About 50 of our clients regularly visit our book lending library, borrowing various genres. Most of them are love novels, classics, detective stories, sometimes some biographies and I must say, even poetry," Polívková added. "If you get books by Jana Poncarová, make sure you come back to our house, her books are very readable and we like that she is not far from here," she continued.
Didn't manage to join the Give a Book event this year? Don't despair. "If the situation permits and we find a suitable partner to take over the books, the library will repeat the event next year. Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the collection this year," said Miloslava Faitová, director of the UWB University Library.
Last year, the University Library of the University of West Bohemia handed over the donated books to the St. Zdislava Home for Mothers with Children in Need, which is intended for mothers with children and pregnant women with dependent children up to 26 years of age who find themselves in an unfavourable social situation, for example, due to domestic violence, marital crisis or generational problems in the family. The year before last, thanks to the library, patients of the Psychiatric Clinic of the Pilsen University Hospital were able to read the donated books; in 2022, the collection was held for the benefit of the non-profit organisation Blízký soused; in 2020 - before the one-year coronation break - the selected volumes went to the library of the Pilsen Prison, in 2019 to homes for the elderly (SeneCura SeniorCentrum Plzeň and Baculus – Domov poklidného stáří Vejprnice), the year before to the Primary School and Kindergarten for the Visually Impaired and Speech Defects, and during the first year in 2017 the donated books went to the inpatient wards and LDN of the Municipal Hospital Plzeň, Privamed, a. s., and University Hospital Pilsen.
University Library |
Jakub Pokorný |
12. 03. 2025 |