Crossroads of the Revolution: A Panel Discussion on November 17

17 Listopad

17. listopadu, 17:00

Faculty of Education, Veleslavínova 42

Guests Students Public

The Transformation of Education Over the Past 35 Years is the theme of a panel discussion hosted by the Faculty of Education at the University of West Bohemia, taking place on the anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, November 17.

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The Velvet Revolution 35 years ago was a pivotal milestone not only for political and social development but also for education in our country. Join us to commemorate the significance of these events and engage in a panel discussion to reflect on how learning, teaching in schools, and education overall (not only in the Czech Republic) have evolved and continue to evolve since 1989.

The panel discussion, organized by the Faculty of Education as part of the November 17 celebrations, will focus on educational changes over the past 35 years – from the removal of ideological constraints and the modernization of teaching to the widespread adoption of digital technologies and today’s challenges.

Date: November 17, 2024
Time: 5:00–6:30 PM
Venue: Faculty of Education, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Veleslavínova 42

Invited Guests:

Assoc. Prof. Jiří Zounek – leading Czech educator and researcher from Masaryk University in Brno
Dr. Ondřej Neumajer – education expert, consultant, and advocate for digital technologies in education
Mgr. Marek Adler – school principal, educator, and author of the podcast Educational Mosaic

Due to limited seating, please reserve your seat by filling out this form.


Faculty of Education

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