Workshop for the Gymnázium Blovice took place at the Faculty of Health Care Studies

Cooperation Students Education

The Faculty of Health Care Studies of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen welcomed pupils on the basis of cooperation with the Regional Chamber of Commerce in the Pilsen Region and introduced them to non-medical study programmes.

On Thursday 8th February in cooperation with the Regional Chamber of Commerce in the Pilsen Region, the first of a series of four workshops was held for pupils of the Gymnázium Blovice who attend the biology seminar. The aim of the workshops is to introduce and show pupils the fields of study at the Faculty of Health Care Studies (FZS). The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen also participates in the workshop activities.

During the first workshop 17 pupils visited the FZS. They got to know the FZS simulation centre, where three students of the Department of Paramedic science, Medical diagnostics studies and Public Health presented a first aid demonstration and then gave them the opportunity to practice resuscitation.

The next point of the programme was a visit to the professional classroom for nurses in the premises of the FZS, where the programme was covered by the Department of Nursing and Midwifery. A student of General Nursing prepared a presentation on the theme Hand hygiene, as well as a training on hygienic hand disinfection using fluorescent emulsion and UV lamp, which involved all pupils of the gymnasium. Another student of General Nursing presented on ECG and heart diseases. One of the gymnasium students had the opportunity to try out the ECG machine and see the description of the ECG registration, the description of the ECG waveform and the explanation of the pathological values. The programme in this specialized classroom also included a demonstration of a mock AED and the use of a pulse oximeter along with an explanation of the physiological pulse values.

The last point of the programme was a visit to the anatomy classroom, where pupils were given information about the study and admission procedure at the FZS. This was followed by a presentation of plastinates of the human body, which the faculty has at its disposal, and the introduction and testing of the virtual autopsy table.

The pupils got the opportunity to try out a lot of activities and get a glimpse into the secrets of non-medical fields in one day. Our reward is great satisfaction with the planned program and interest from the Gymnázium Blovice in our faculty.

We were very pleased to welcome the students to the FZS and are looking forward to the next workshops in February and March.


Faculty of Health Care Studies

Lucie Brůžková

19. 02. 2024