Erasmus Night 2024

27 November

27. listopadu, 18:00

Papírna Plzeň

International Students University

Are you considering studying abroad but still unsure which destination to choose? Come to Erasmus Night and get inspired by the experiences of UWB students who have completed a study exchange or internship abroad!

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Intended for: UWB students
More information at

Do you want to discover the adventure of studying abroad? Come to Papírna Plzeň for Erasmus Night!

We invite you to an evening with students from seven faculties of UWB, who will share their experiences of studying at foreign universities. You can look forward to inspiring stories, engaging talks, discussions, and interesting photos or videos from trips through Erasmus+, Free Movers, BE&ST, and other programs.

During Erasmus Night, the contest "Take a Photo in an Erasmus T-shirt 2023/24" will also be announced.

The main guest will be Martin Loužecký from Skate World Better.

Follow the Erasmus Night event for more details.


International Office

Monika Mundilová

27. 11. 2024, 18:00

25 September

Bory Library hall, Univerzitní 18, Pilsen

University Library

25. 09. 2024, 17:00

13  -  10 July - August

Umelka Gallery, Dostojevského rad 4533, Bratislava, Slovakia

Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

13. 07. 2024

16 October

Bory Library hall, Univerzitní 18, Pilsen

University Library

16. 10. 2024, 17:00

13  -  29 July - September

Letohrádek Ostrov, Castle Park 226, Ostrov

Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

13. 07. 2024, 15:00