Exhibition Interweaving

15  -  01 Říjen - Listopad

15. října, 17:00 - 1. listopadu, 18:00

Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art, Inkubator Gallery, Pilsen

Public Exhibition Education

We would like to invite you to the opening of the exhibition Interweaving, which presents the work of students of the doctoral study programme. The opening will take place on Tuesday 15 October at 5 pm in the Incubator Gallery. The opening will include a performance Flying by Eva Šindelářová.

Enter: free entry, Mon-Fri 10-18 h

The current exhibition will present the work of representatives of the Photography, Ceramic Design and New Media studios at the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art. A total of five exhibitors, some of whom are already teaching, represent a diverse range of disciplines. Their projects can often be characterized as sophisticated artistic explorations.

Although they are different artists working with different materials, all of them share a local and generational proximity. The exhibition format does not create a homogeneous whole, but is a mosaic of several approaches. At the same time, it does not present the individual works as definitive outcomes; rather, it offers visitors a glimpse into the process of creation and a chance to witness the process of searching.

The second exhibition in the Interweaving series offers a unique opportunity to glimpse into the future of Czech art and design, where the boundaries between disciplines are increasingly permeable. The exhibition also shows the importance of doctoral studies in art as a space for experimentation, interdisciplinary collaboration and deep reflection on artistic practice, where seemingly unrelated approaches find common ground.

Exhibitors: Martin Dokoupil, Sergey Lelyukh, Anna-Marie Pavelková Mišterová, Petr Stehlík and Eva Šindelářová


Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

Lenka Thomayer Opatrná

15. 10. 2024, 17:00

23  -  27 Leden - Březen

Pragovka Gallery, Kolbenova 923/34a, Prague

Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

23. 01. 2025

10  -  07 Únor - Březen

Bory Library hall, Univerzitní 18, Pilsen, Mon-Thu 8.00-18.00, Fri 8.00-15.00

University Library

10. 02. 2025

29 Leden

nábřeží Jana Palacha 20, 360 01 Karlovy Vary


29. 01. 2025, 10:00

14 Březen

Townsfolk Hall in Pilsen (Mestanska beseda), Kopeckeho sady 59/13, Pilsen


14. 03. 2025, 20:00