Nuclear Power - Clean Energy of Tomorrow

26 March

26. března, 13:30

Fakulta elektrotechnická, posluchárna EP 130

Cooperation Students Employees

The technical faculties of the University of West Bohemia invite you to a lecture.

Enter: volný
Intended for: studující, zaměstnanci, veřejnost

In addition to representatives from ČEZ and ŠKODA JS (see below), the meeting will also be attended by ZČU alumna Kateřina Vašíčková, a future nuclear reactor operator.

The event will take place as part of the lecture series for Nuclear Days 2024.




26. 03. 2024, 13:30

06 November

Faculty of Health Care Studies of UWB, Husova 11, Plzeň

Faculty of Health Care Studies

06. 11. 2024, 09:00

12  -  17 September - October

UWB campus Plzeň-Bory

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

12. 09. 2024, 09:00

05  -  07 September - October

Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art, Inkubator Gallery, Pilsen

Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

05. 09. 2024, 10:00

26 June

Hotel Trend, Kovářská 13a, 301 00 Plzeň

Faculty of Applied Sciences

26. 06. 2024