Prof.Jan Vičar received the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Olomouc Region for Culture

Cooperation University Achievements

The prominent Czech composer, musicologist and pedagogue, Professor Jan Vičar was awarded the "Olomouc Region Award for Cultural Contribution for 2023" in the category "Lifetime Achievement Award in Culture (Hall of Fame). This prestigious award will be presented on 18 April.
Prof. PhDr. Jan Vičar, CSc., a native of Olomouc, has become one of the most renowned creators and researchers in the field of music and musicology in the Czech Republic. His work has not only enriched our understanding of music and music history, but has also contributed to shaping the cultural awareness of our country. As the guarantor of the doctoral programme at the Faculty of Education of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Jan Vičar is shaping a new generation of music scholars and music professionals. His pedagogical skills and expertise are influented for the development of many talented students in the field of music and musicology. His work as a composer represents a fusion of tradition and modern musical thinking. Vičar's music appeals for its depth and originality and leaves an unmistakable mark on the Czech musical world.

The Lifetime Achievement Award of the Olomouc Region for Culture is an expression of appreciation for the professor's long-standing efforts and contribution in the field of music, composition and musicology. This award not only confirms the importance of his work for the cultural heritage of the region, but also celebrates his influence on future generations of music enthusiasts and scholars.

We cordially invite you to the original concert of composer, musicologist and teacher Jan Vičar, which will take place on 6 May at 7 pm in the auditorium of the Faculty of Education, Veleslavínova Street, Plzeň. Jan Vičar, one of the prominent personalities of the Czech music scene, will present his latest compositions and give us an insight into his musical creations and inspirations. The concert will be a unique opportunity to listen to his original music and to meet an artist who crosses borders and enriches our musical culture


Romana Feiferlíková

29. 02. 2024