UWB strengthens security, rector highlights the importance of police cooperation.

University Public

The leadership of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen has been in closer contact with the police since last year, following the attack at the Charles University in Prague. The ability to cooperate and exchange information proved to be crucial during the recent security incidents UWB has faced.

The university's own dispatch system and new technologies, including a mass warning system, are among the safety priorities for this and the coming years. The newly established Department of Security is also preparing its own training programs and evacuation drills. Today, Miroslav Lávička, Rector of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, shared these and other updates with regional Police of the Czech Republic directors Petr Macháček (Pilsen Region) and Michal Šavrňa (Karlovy Vary Region), as well as the city director of the Police of the Czech Republic in Pilsen, Karel Machulda. The main topic of the meeting was exploring new ways to enhance safety at university facilities in both regions. Representatives of the newly created Department of Security, Jaroslav Vild and Tomáš Tovara, also attended.

Both sides agreed that mutual communication must always remain a priority. The Department of Security also shared its experiences from a December incident at the university and provided feedback from students and employees, particularly regarding the evacuation process.

Lessons Learned from the Past Year

The police training sessions, practical drills, and measures implemented by the university last year were responses to the tragic events in Prague in December 2023. “We never imagined that a year later, we would experience similar moments at our university. Fortunately, it was only a false alarm," recalled Rector Lávička, referring to the police intervention on the Bory campus on December 4, 2024, during which over a thousand people had to be evacuated. The sounds that resembled gunfire were traced back to two students from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, who are now undergoing disciplinary proceedings.

“Even though it was a false alarm, we cannot afford to let our guard down. Our goal remains to continue increasing the sense of safety for everyone studying, working, or visiting the university,” added the rector.

“We do not underestimate any reported incidents and give them our full attention," said Petr Macháček, Director of the Pilsen Region Police. This diligence proved valuable again this week.

Activation of a Gunshot Detector

A sound resembling a gunshot, detected by dispatchers in the city police's camera center, sent multiple police units back to the Bory campus of the University of West Bohemia on Monday, January 20. After investigating the site and reviewing the cameras, they found that the noise came from a passing car. One of the eight outdoor gunshot detectors connected to the city system is located near a busy road. The police intervention concluded in about 25 minutes. The university plans to install sound detectors inside all its buildings this year, with approximately 50 units to be added.

Investigation of a Threatening Email

The following day, police had to visit the Faculty of Education. “Today, shortly after 10:00 a.m., we received information that an unknown individual had sent a threatening email to a Slovak helpline, claiming they intended to harm someone. According to additional information, this person was identified as a student of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, specifically from the Faculty of Education,” announced police spokesperson Pavla Burešová on Tuesday, January 21. Police visited the university for information, with the faculty staff and university leadership providing full cooperation throughout the investigation. Eventually, they located the individual at a psychiatric hospital, where they had already been admitted. Fortunately, there was no immediate danger.


Zásah policie v kampusu ZČU v pondělí 20. ledna. Zvuk, který aktivoval detektor střelby, byl od projíždějícího auto.


Andrea Čandová

22. 01. 2025