Faculty of Electrical Engineering has been awarded a significant OP JAK project worth CZK 100 mil

Achievements Science

Faculty of Electrical Engineering was successful in obtaining an important project from the Operational Programme Jan Amos Komenský (OP JAK) called "Czech Incubator of Technologies for Energy Networks". A total of 82 applicants participated in the call, of which 18 were supported.

The project, which has a total value of nearly CZK 100 million, aims to create a unique ecosystem for incubating technologies focused on energy networks with high commercial potential and societal impact. It focuses on research on electricity networks, including transmission, distribution, and industrial networks, emphasizing the use of advanced power electronic technologies. This will create a unique know-how with significant cross-sectoral overlap and European leadership ambitions.

One of the project's main objectives is to strengthen cooperation between research and application, leading to the creation of a technology marketplace that will accelerate the process of bringing new technologies to market and open up new commercial opportunities. This marketplace will serve as a platform for sharing, selling, and buying technological innovations, patents, and research results, thus accelerating technology transfer between research institutions and industrial partners.

The project also supports the "open infrastructure" program, which will attract highly qualified human resources worldwide and their retention in the Czech Republic. This program will support talented researchers and students, especially PhD students, and offer them career growth and development opportunities.

Implementing the project will bring significant improvements in the quality and safety of energy networks not only in the Czech Republic but also at the European level. The project results will directly impact a wide range of areas, including power quality, transmission and distribution capacity and efficiency, safety, and reliability of network operations, diagnostics, monitoring, and network management.

The project involves close collaboration with key National Centres in the field of energy, namely the National Centre for Energy (NCE) and the Centre for Applied Technologies (CANUT). This synergistic approach will deepen and broaden international collaboration between the project team and the project partners.

Another essential element of the project is building a globally unique laboratory infrastructure for research, development, prototyping, experimental testing, and certification testing of technologies and equipment up to 35 kV. This infrastructure will enable researchers to conduct advanced experimentation and testing, leading to the development of innovative solutions for power grids. FEL ZČU is committed to the principles of "open science" and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) when dealing with the project results. Open access to the information obtained will allow other scientists and experts to access, replicate, and further research based on the data.

This project will not only strengthen international cooperation between the applicant and partners but also improve the conditions for international collaborative research. Implementing the Technology Marketplace (TMP) will promote faster sharing and commercialization of research results and innovations, which will directly benefit the scientific community and the wider society. With this project, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering UWB confirms its leading role in research and innovation in the field of energy networks. 

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Kateřina Newton

17. 07. 2024