Gaudeamus Prague 2025: Come at the UWB stand

21  -  23 Leden

21. ledna, 08:30 - 23. ledna, 15:00

PVA Expo Praha, Beranových 667, 199 00 Praha 9, Hala 4

University Public Education

Teaching, law or engineering? Still not sure which study programme to choose? Come to us at the Gaudeamus fair in Prague and ask the students of each faculty directly. University of West Bohemia will be part of it.

Enter: 130 - 170 CZK
Intended for: applicants and their companions
More information at

Study at UWB, faculties, study programmes, school facilities and activities we offer - in one day you will get all the information you need to decide on your future. Current students from all nine faculties of UWB will be ready to answer your questions. 

Is Prague out of reach? Not keeping up? No problem, come to the UWB Open Day on 28th January and take a closer look at the faculties directly in Pilsen, Cheb (27 January) or Karlovy Vary (29 January). 



Andrea Čandová

21. 01. 2025, 08:30

31 Březen

VC301, Faculty of Education, Veleslavínova 42

Faculty of Education

31. 03. 2025, 16:00

14 Březen

Townsfolk Hall in Pilsen (Mestanska beseda), Kopeckeho sady 59/13, Pilsen


14. 03. 2025, 20:00

28 Únor


Faculty of Economics

28. 02. 2025, 17:00

22  -  24 Duben

Transfusion Department of the University Hospital Pilsen, 17. listopadu 2479

Faculty of Education

22. 04. 2025, 07:00

10  -  07 Únor - Březen

Bory Library hall, Univerzitní 18, Pilsen, Mon-Thu 8.00-18.00, Fri 8.00-15.00

University Library

10. 02. 2025