Help in the search for the stolen motorcycle of a FELU student. It was part of his dissertation

Student Fakulty elektrotechnické ZČU přišel o elektrický motocykl RFN Apollo, který mu včera odpoledne někdo ukradl přímo před fakultou. Tento motocykl, registrační značky EL 48DL, hrál klíčovou roli v jeho disertační práci zaměřené na vývoj vícefázových pohonů a sběr dat.

Dear learners, colleagues and the public,

We are appealing to you for help in finding the stolen electric motorcycle that disappeared yesterday around 3 pm in front of the building of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. The motorcycle RFN Apollo, registration EL 48DL (VIN: L08P10T04P1000248), manufactured in 2023, is not only unique but also essential for the dissertation work of one of our students who used it for research on multiphase drives and data collection.

The motorcycle was last seen at Bolevec Ponds. The theft is already being investigated by the police, but any help from the public is greatly appreciated. If you have any information about the movements of this motorcycle, please do not hesitate to contact either the police or the owner directly on 734 237 029.

Thank you for your cooperation and please share this appeal.


Foto: Student Zdeněk

Foto: Student Zdeněk


Petr Novák

20. 08. 2024