The 14th Festival of Arab Culture: This year with the SPORT in the Middle East subtitle

11  -  14 Duben

11. dubna, 17:00 - 14. dubna, 18:00

Faculty of Arts UWB, Papírna, Café Regner

Festival International Public

ARABFEST is traditionally organized by students and alumni of the Department of Middle Eastern Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of West Bohemia.

Enter: voluntary
Intended for: public
Kontakt: Michaela Vaňková,
More information at

The theme of this year's ARABFEST is SPORT in the context of the Middle East. The aim of the festival is to bring Arab culture closer to the general public and highlight its diversity. Organizers and guests aim to reflect on the role of sport as a tool for political negotiations as well as a means of social cohesion within various events.

You can look forward to panel discussions, tasting of Arab cuisine, film screenings, and sports activities. This year, there will also be the Grand Saturday Program and the ORIENTAL STREET FOOD MARKET with activities for the whole family. Organizers are also preparing some surprises and a finale to the festival that you won't want to miss.

The event is being held with the support of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Grant Support for Student Activities (GRAS) and other important partners.


Michaela Vaňková

11. 04. 2024, 17:00

23  -  27 Leden - Březen

Pragovka Gallery, Kolbenova 923/34a, Prague

Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

23. 01. 2025

29 Leden

nábřeží Jana Palacha 20, 360 01 Karlovy Vary


29. 01. 2025, 10:00

10 Březen

EP 208 (FEL - Faculty of Electrical Engineering UWB in Pilsen)

Faculty of Economics

10. 03. 2025, 11:00

18  -  11 Únor - Březen

Fakulta designu a umění Ladislava Sutnara ZČU, Univerzitní 28, Plzeň

Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

18. 02. 2025, 16:00