International Office UWB introduced university and the EUPeace alliance at the university fair

EUPeace International University

The 34th edition of the EAIE (European Association for International Education) Conference and Higher Education Fair took place in Toulouse, France, from 17 to 20 September 2024. The main theme of the event was "En Route !".

EAIE represents a key event in the field of higher education, providing university representatives with an ideal opportunity to establish new partnerships and strengthen existing ones. It is the largest university fair in Europe, with this year's event attended by over 7,000 representatives from universities and institutions around the world. The four-day program was complemented by numerous workshops, seminars, and other events related to the main theme 'En Route !' (note: Let´s go! ).

The University of West Bohemia was featured at the Study in Czechia booth, organized by the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research in Prague. During EAIE, a series of successful meetings took place with long-term partners of the University of West Bohemia, such as Çukurova University from Turkey, Hof University of Applied Sciences and the University of Regensburg from Germany, HELHa from Belgium, Sciences Po Toulouse from France, and National Chung Cheng University and National Cheng Kung University from Taiwan. New contacts were also made, for example with Braude College of Engineering from Israel and with French universities Université de Lorraine and ECAM Rennes.

For the first time, European University Alliances were also represented at this year's fair, and representatives from the International Office newly introduced the University of West Bohemia at the EUPeace booth as well. The University of West Bohemia leads the work package 'Facilitating Mobilities' for the entire EUPeace alliance, which focuses on supporting student and staff mobility across the alliance. During EAIE, several productive meetings with colleagues from the alliance took place, leading to improved cooperation within this work package. Universities from around the world expressed interest in the European University Alliances, including EUPeace. From European institutions, for example, the University of Western Macedonia from Greece, the University of Prešov, and the University of Economics in Bratislava from Slovakia showed interest. From non-European universities, representatives from Jain University in India, Universidad de la República Uruguay, and the University of Nigeria, among others, were interested in the alliance.

More information about the conference and fair can be found on the EAIE website.



Representatives from International Office UWB

Representatives from University of West Bohemia and Çukurova University

Representatives from University of West Bohemia and Université de Lorraine

Representatives from University of West Bohemia and HELHa

Representatives from University of West Bohemia and Université de Limoges

Representatives from University of West Bohemia, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Université de Limoges, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Univerzitet u Sarajevu

International Office

Monika Mundilová

27. 09. 2024