Sutnarka Market - Gallery Christmas Fair

17  -  21 Prosinec

17. prosince, 18:00 - 21. prosince, 20:00

Ladislav Sutnar Gallery, Riegrova 11, Pilsen

Students Public Exhibition

The Sutnar Faculty UWB invites all lovers of design and art to an original Christmas market that will take place in the Ladislav Sutnar Gallery from December 17 to 21.

Enter: Free Entry; Tue - Fri 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM, Sat 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Intended for: the public, students, and staff

At Sutnarka Market, you’ll find authentic products created by rising stars of art and design. In the Ladislav Sutnar Gallery, you can purchase handmade, unique gifts such as ceramics, jewelry, illustrations, posters, comics, paintings, artist books, home accessories, and much more. Faculty merchandise will also be available. Additionally, you can gift your loved ones a special voucher for public art courses organized by the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art.

The sales exhibition opens on Tuesday, December 17, at 6 PM. It will be open on weekdays from 1 PM to 8 PM and on Saturdays from 10 AM to 8 PM. During this time, you’ll have the opportunity to meet the artists and discover the stories behind their creations. To make the experience even better, you can enjoy special holiday drinks at the adjacent Družba Café.

Come for unique pre-Christmas inspiration and support talented artists.


Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

Lenka Thomayer Opatrná

17. 12. 2024, 18:00

12 Březen

Knihovna Bory, Univerzitní 18, Plzeň


12. 03. 2025, 15:00

16 Duben

Bory Library hall, Univerzitní 18, Pilsen

University Library

16. 04. 2025, 17:00

23  -  27 Leden - Březen

Pragovka Gallery, Kolbenova 923/34a, Prague

Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

23. 01. 2025

22  -  22 Leden

Multilab, Fakulta designu a umění Ladislava Sutnara

Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

22. 01. 2025, 17:00