Lectures on healthy pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and self-care continue this summer at FHS

Further Education Lecture Public

The project has already held three lectures for pregnant and breastfeeding women and midwives with the goal to increase health literacy.

The Faculty of Health Care Studies is running a project Supporting Healthy Pregnancy, Childbirth, Breastfeeding and Self-Care, which is designed primarily for pregnant and breastfeeding women, women planning pregnancy and future midwives. The project's principal investigator is the Vice-Dean for Internal and External Relations of the Faculty of Health Care Studies Alena Lochmannová, and the expert guarantor is gynaecologist Lukáš Prajka. The lectures include topics related to increasing health literacy of the target groups, especially in the area of lifestyle during pregnancy and motherhood and in connection with breastfeeding. The project also focuses on prevention through educational activities and prevention of risky behaviour during pregnancy and motherhood.

Out of the 11 lectures planned, three have already been delivered. The first lecture, Mother's movement during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, was held on 27 May under the guidance of Ilona Zahradnická. In June, two lectures have been held so far, namely the lecture Care of the scar after a caesarean section under the guidance of lecturer Iva Hereitová, which took place on 3 June, and Physiotherapy methods suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women under the guidance of lecturer Ilona Zahradnická, which took place on 10 June. The lecturers thus passed on their knowledge and experience to the audience, who always left enriched and educated in the context of the lectured professional topic.

What other lectures can the public look forward to at the Faculty of Health Care Studies?

On 14 June from 13:00 to 15:00 will be held a lecture Healthy and nutritionally balanced eating, self-care, hygiene and relaxation as the basics of a healthy lifestyle under the guidance of lecturer Eva Hendrych Lorenzová. In addition, on 20 June from 13:00 to 15:00 there will be a lecture on Proper handling of the newborn to promote healthy psychomotor development. It will be led by lecturer Kristina Janoušková.

Four more lectures will take place in the summer months. On 8 July from 13:00 to 15:00 there will be a lecture Supporting a healthy lifestyle and self-care in the postpartum period led by lecturer Eva Hendrych Lorenzová. On 30 July from 13:00 to 15:00 there will be a lecture Supporting Mother-Child Contact through Touch and Aromatherapy as Prevention of Health Complications, led by lecturer Kristina Janoušková. A lecture on Gentle care of newborns in the areas of sleep, defecation, skin care, nutrition and contact parenting is scheduled for August 8 from 13:00 to 15:00. It will be led by lecturer Kristina Janoušková. The lecture Breastfeeding - the gift of life: preparation for breastfeeding in pregnancy will take place on 26 August 2024 from 13:00 to 15:00 under the guidance of lecturer Eva Hendrych Lorenzová.

All lectures will take place in room HJ 218 in the FZS building at Husova 11.

The project "Support for Healthy Pregnancy, Childbirth, Breastfeeding and Self-Care", 82/24/PPZ, is implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, Health Promotion, Increasing the Efficiency and Quality of Health Care Programme.


Faculty of Health Care Studies

Lucie Brůžková

12. 06. 2024