Karel Šimka from the Faculty of Law to chair the Supreme Administrative Court

Alumni Achievements Employees

The President of the Czech Republic appointed a graduate and employee of the University of West Bohemia as Chairman of the Supreme Administrative Court for a period of 10 years.
Karel Šimka was born in Pilsen and works as an external teacher at the UWB Faculty of Law, from which he graduated in 1998. In 2000–2005, he worked at UWB and since the beginning of 2010 he has held various academic positions; he is currently a member of the faculty's scientific board.

He is the third chairman of the modern-day Supreme Administrative Court, the first one being Josef Baxa, appointed in 2003, who in 2018 was replaced by Michal Mazanec, whose term in office ended on December 31 of last year, as he had reached the age of 70.

Karel Šimka was originally a civil and enforcement judge. He was temporarily appointed to the Supreme Administrative Court in 2004–2005; in the fall of 2005 he became its permanent justice and later the president of the court chamber. Until the dissolution of the Supreme Administrative Court boards, he was a member of its finance-administration board. For a number of years, he has been a member of the joint bench of the court, in addition to which he is a member of the competence chamber of the Supreme Administrative Court and a stand-in member of the so-called special chamber pursuant to Act No. 131/2002 Coll., and as of late also chairman of the disciplinary chamber for issues related to judges.

Apart from the University of West Bohemia, Karel Šimka also teaches constitutional law and selected aspects of tax law at the CEVRO Institute. He also gives lectures intended for the professional community and is an author of publications on taxes, administrative judiciary, administrative proceedings, administrative punishment, the provision of information pursuant to the Free Access to Information Act, and the relationship between public and private law.



03. 02. 2022