Workshop Machine modelling of philosophical text

10 Listopad

10. listopadu, 11:00

Sedláčkova 15, SP319

Seminar Transfer Science and research

The Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Arts and CCS-Lab ZČU organize a workshop to explore the current possibilities and limits of large language models (LLM).

Kontakt: Radek Schuster
More information at

The main topic of the workshop is the generation of philosophical texts, which can be considered a cornerstone of general artificial intelligence (AGI). The discussion will be guided by the following questions: 

Do strings of linguistic features that deal with epistemology, logic, ontology or ethics exhibit any particular obstacle to their machine processing?

Can AI be used as an assistant in formulating ethical dilemmas and solving them in a similar way to computing mathematical problems or coding algorithms?

Is Chat-GPT just a "philosophical zombie" whose production of signs cannot be fulfilled by semantics or by installing it in our everyday social practices?

Is metaphysics just a "pseudo-problem" that can be dissolved by constantly clarifying seemingly puzzling questions in a Chat-GPT conversation?  

The workshop is organized as part of the development of the Philosophy for Artificial Intelligence follow-up degree program, which is being implemented at ZČU in collaboration between the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Arts and the Department of Cybernetics and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the Faculty of Applied Sciences from 2021. It will take place between 10:00-18:00.

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