The Industrial Council of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has appreciated a new study program

Cooperation Public Education

Representatives of collaborating companies welcomed the plan to expand the study offerings to include a bachelor's program in Environmental Engineering and recommended focusing on its promotion at high schools now.

Modern trends in design considering sustainability, recycling, the use of eco-materials in production technology and product processing, as well as related knowledge in energy and management, are all part of the planned profile of graduates of the Environmental Engineering program, which the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering plans to offer from the academic year 2026/27 with financial support from the National Recovery Plan for the higher education sector. Dean Vladimir Duchek introduced it on March 28 at this year's first meeting of the Industrial Council of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, which consists of representatives of partner companies and meets twice a year.

The attendees agreed that the planned bachelor's program is highly promising and has the potential to attract other prospective students than those the faculty has previously focused on. "Our ambition is to prepare an alternative for students interested in technical education focused on environmental issues. It will be a program primarily focused on the topics of environmental quality and creation," explained Vladimir Duchek, who also presented the faculty's strategic goals for this year. Supporting interest in studying should include, among other things, accreditation of programs in cooperation with faculties of economics and electrical engineering. For example, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering will be involved in teaching the Management and Digital Technology study program, which the Faculty of Economics is preparing for its facility in Cheb in the Karlovy Vary region. The professional study program taught in English was developed in collaboration with the OTH Amberg-Weiden University based on employer needs.

Vice-Dean Jan Řehoř briefed the council members on the involvement of the RTI Research Center in the production of special monitoring traps for the Asian hornet. Martina Robotková, representing the Regional Development Agency of the Plzeň Region, acquainted the attendees with the current situation of high school graduates regarding technical education at universities.


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Kamila Kolářová

03. 04. 2024