24. října, 17:00 - 5. dubna, 15:00
Museum of Southern Pilsner Region in Blovice, Hradiště 1, Blovice
Enter: October - April: Tue - Sat 9.00 - 15.00
The illustrations and comics that you will see at the exhibition were created under the guidance of the head of the Comics and Illustration for Children Studio, Marie Kohoutová. Eva Hudečková is responsible for the graphic design of the exhibition and the exhibition panels. The following cultural and historical organisations have also contributed to the preparation of the exhibition: the Jewish Museum in Prague, the Tachov Archives and Museum Society (TAMUS), the House of the history of Přeštice area, the town of Kasejovice and a number of private entities. The exhibition is interpreted into sign language thanks to the cooperation with the Association of the Deaf Pilsen.
The legacy of the disappeared Jewish communities is reflected today especially in the surviving Jewish cemeteries and synagogues. The exhibition also seeks to present a less visible cultural and social legacy that can convey much to our contemporary society. Most of the Jews from the southern Pilsen region were murdered in Nazi concentration camps during World War II. The stories of Jewish residents can help raise awareness of the vanished Jewish communities throughout the Czech Republic. Among the exhibits on display are objects from museum and private collections that commemorate specific personalities as well as religious or everyday life.
Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art |
Lenka Thomayer Opatrná |
24. 10. 2024, 17:00 |