27. listopadu, 16:00 - 10. ledna, 18:00
Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art, Inkubator Gallery, Univerzitní 28, Pilsen
Enter: free entry, Mon-Fri 10-18 h
More information at https://www.fdu.zcu.cz/en/Exhibitions/IncubatorGallery/
The regular series of Creative Crossroads exhibitions is a meeting place and an artistic crossroads where two formats intertwine - the works of foreign artists who have come to study at our faculty, and the works of our students who return enriched by the experience of studying abroad. Under the title Visiting, the exhibition presents a collection of works by foreign students from five different countries: Slovakia, Spain, Portugal, China, and Japan. The exhibition is an opportunity to share learning experiences as well as to present one's own work.
The opportunity to participate in the project and present their work has aroused great interest among our foreign students. Thanks to the variety of studios in which they work, the Visiting Collection offers a truly wide range of techniques and approaches, from traditional painting to the latest technologies.
Given the limited exhibition space, we can only present a small sample of the students' work, which focuses on photography, graphic design, painting, and illustration. The curator of the exhibition, which opens on Wednesday, November 27, at 16:00, is Daniela Kramerová.
Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art |
Lenka Thomayer Opatrná |
27. 11. 2024, 16:00 |