Drawings by František Steker

13  -  29 Červenec - Září

13. července, 15:00 - 29. září, 17:00

Letohrádek Ostrov, Castle Park 226, Ostrov

Public Exhibition Employees

The exhibition by František Steker, a lecturer at the Sutnar Faculty, presents his free drawing and conceptual work on a larger scale for the first time and places it in the context of contemporary art. The exhibition can be seen in the gallery of the Ostrov Summer Palace until 29 September.

Enter: Tuesday - Sunday 10 am - 5 pm
More information at https://www.galeriekvary.cz/o-letohradku-ostrov/

The first retrospective exhibition of the work of the conceptualist, draughtsman and graphic designer František Steker (*5 March 1949) will be held on the occasion of his life milestone. The exhibition will present the artist's work from the 1980s to the present in a comprehensive way, in the variety of media used and the uniqueness of his artistic approach, in order to make clear Steker's contribution to the field of conceptual drawing in the overall context of contemporary Czech art. The exhibition will also include works from the gallery's collections. František Steker's works have a spiritual dimension, which is achieved through the artist's artistic discipline and restrained expression.

František Steker, who lives and works in Ostrov, is a prominent figure in the field of graphic design; he founded this field at the SUPŠ in Karlovy Vary and also at the Sutnar Faculty, where he has been the head of the Graphic Design and Visual Communication Studio for many years. 

The exhibition project was supported by the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art of the UWB in Pilsen and by the town of Ostrov.


Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

Lenka Thomayer Opatrná

13. 07. 2024, 15:00

11  -  25 Březen - Duben

University Library Bory, Univerzitní 18, Pilsen

University of the Third Age

11. 03. 2025, 15:00

31 Březen

VC301, Faculty of Education, Veleslavínova 42

Faculty of Education

31. 03. 2025, 16:00

16 Duben

Bory Library hall, Univerzitní 18, Pilsen

University Library

16. 04. 2025, 17:00

29 Leden

nábřeží Jana Palacha 20, 360 01 Karlovy Vary


29. 01. 2025, 10:00