Start your story at UWB: Hedvika's journey as a teacher began long before her first class at FPE

Students Education

What she loves, she will now teach others. Hedvika Majerová is currently completing her master's degree in Music Education for Secondary Schools, combined with German language Teaching. Your story at the Faculty of Education (FPE) at UWB could be just like hers.

Even before her graduation exams, Hedvika Majerová will start teaching music education at the Sports Gymnasium in April. From September, she will add German to her full-time workload. Hedvika comes from a family of teachers and has known for a long time that she would follow in their footsteps. Start your story at UWB, says this girl from the poster to the whole southwest of the Czech Republic. Why did she choose UWB for her story?

  • What surprised you more on your first day at university—the difficulty of the subjects or the price of lunch in the cafeteria?
    I would count my visits to the canteen on both hands. But my first week went like this: I came straight to class and had to sing in front of the whole class so that we could be assigned to a choir. In the end, I ended up in the alto section just as I wanted. But for a future teacher, it was a good test.

  • If you had to describe your field as a movie genre, would it be a thriller, comedy, or sci-fi?
    A bit of a mix. At the beginning of the semester, it’s always a bit of a comedy, but as the exams approach, it turns into a thriller.

  • What's your best survival trick for exam season?
    Don’t stress too much about a lot of things, take it easy. Pay attention to your mental hygiene and go to lectures. It helps me hear the information, and then I can recall it during the exam.

  • What was your biggest "I see" moment during your studies? Is there something you wish you had known in your first year?
    Probably subject registration was a bit challenging for me in my first year. We got a great brochure, but understanding the different blocks and elective subjects was the difficult part. I’m also on the faculty senate, and I still experience a lot of “I see" moments when I see how budgets or accreditations work. It’s quite intense.

  • If you could give your first-year self one piece of advice, what would it be?
    Don’t stress so much and focus more on yourself. I do a lot outside of school, I train a dance group, and I have a job. So, my advice to past me is: don’t take on too much.

  • Imagine you have 30 seconds to convince a prospective student to choose your faculty. What would your "ad" sound like?
    Many prospective students are attracted to the combinations of teaching subjects offered at FPE. For example, math offers more combinations than at Charles University. I would also recommend Pilsen as a city, I love it. It’s not too big, everything is close, and there are lots of cultural events, there’s always something to do.

  • What’s the biggest myth about university studies that you’d like to debunk?
    That students just go out drinking all the time. Some might, but most definitely don’t. Most of us don’t go drinking every Wednesday or Friday.

  • Which school phrase has taken on a new meaning since you started at the Faculty of Education?
    Boys in elementary school always said that those who can, do, and those who can’t, teach. I always rejected that, it’s nonsense.

Studying during the day or late-night cramming?
It used to be late-night cramming, now it’s daytime studying.

Cafeteria or instant noodles?
Neither, I cook for myself.

Front row in a lecture or in the back by the power outlet?
Probably in the back by the outlet.

Group projects or doing everything solo?
I like group projects, but often it ended up that I did them on my own.

Oral or written exams?
Oral exam, because it often turns into a nice conversation.

Early exam or last-minute?
Pre-term exam. The sooner it’s done, the better.

Do you want to become a teachert yourself? You can apply to the Faculty of Education at UWB until April 30th. It  offers 21 bachelor’s degree programs that you can combine or study separately, and one five-year master’s program. After completing your bachelor’s, you can continue with 10 master’s degree programs (Mgr.). Don’t wait, start your application here.


Faculty of Education

Andrea Čandová

18. 03. 2025