Benefits of rehabilitation for stroke patients or the NEURO Project has completed its first year

International Conference Cooperation

Czech-Bavarian students met at the Faculty of Health Care Studies of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and presented the results of their work in the rehabilitation care of stroke patients.

At the beginning of September this year, the Faculty of Health Care Studies (FZS) of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (UWB) finished the first year of the NEURO project, i.e. Education of a multidisciplinary Czech-Bavarian student team in neurorehabilitation.

In the first period, the NEURO project focused, besides theoretical and practical lectures, on the training of multidisciplinary student teams. They provided cross-border interdisciplinary continuous rehabilitation care to 10 stroke patients under the guidance of experienced lecturers from the Faculty of Health Care Studies of the University of West Bohemia, OTH Regensburg and the Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University in Pilsen, in cooperation with associated partners, in order to improve the quality of life of specific patients, including their family members.

"The educational program was focused on practical workshops of specific patients after stroke with an impact on the introduction of the global rehabilitation method Bobath and the Czech approach ACT - Acral Coactivation Therapy, including the principles of nursing care," says Mgr. Iva Hereitová, principal investigator of the project. She adds: "During the education, the unique examination approach of the main partner of the FZS ZČU in the detection of dementia disorders after stroke was introduced, which was further applied in practice by German partners across borders."

The aim of this year-long continuous student cooperation was to prepare for the final student conference on the FZS building, where more than 60 Czech-Bavarian students presented the positive effects of rehabilitation care for stroke patients not only to professionals but also to the public.


The project Education of a multidisciplinary Czech-Bavarian student team in neurorehabilitation, BYCZ01-038, was supported by the INTERREG Bavaria-Czech Republic 2021-2027 Programme.


Faculty of Health Care Studies

Lucie Brůžková

17. 09. 2024