Improve UWB and Win Tickets to the Majáles Festival

Festival Competition Students

Students can compete with the Student Chamber of the Academic Senate of WU for tickets to the May Festival! All you need is an idea for improving the university environment or a proposal for utilizing vacant spaces on campus.

Hello UWB students! Do you want to have an impact on how our university looks and win tickets to the Majáles Festival? Well, this is your chance!

Simply write to us briefly about what you would change at WU or what you feel is lacking at the university. The Student Chamber of the Academic Senate of WU, together with the Student Guild, has prepared a competition for the best student proposal. We will reward the most original and practical ideas with a ticket to the Majáles for each of the 5 winners! Fill out the survey and participate in the competition.

Send us your proposals by March 15th; the evaluation will take place on April 1st.

We look forward to your suggestions!

Student organizations

Studentská komora Akademického senátu ZČU

01. 03. 2024