Labor Law into Schools

Lecture Cooperation

The lecture of the Department of Labor Law and Social Security Law of the Faculty of Law at the University of West Bohemia caught the attention of students at the Church Gymnasium in Pilsen.
Who else should know about the existence of labor law and be warned about the pitfalls of negotiating working conditions than high school students entering the job market, even if mostly for the purpose of earning extra pocket money?

With this idea in mind, the project "Labor Law in Schools" was created years ago. Eva Benešová and Miroslav Hromada from the Department of Labor Law and Social Security Law at the Faculty of Law at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen visited the Church Gymnasium in Pilsen on the last day of February.

The prepared presentation quickly became very informal as students asked questions, revealing that many of them are dealing with the presented issues themselves. Let's wish them to stumble as little as possible in their first legal steps!

Faculty of Law

Miroslav Hromada

12. 03. 2024