Laboratory technicians organized another year of the Student Scientific Conference

Conference Students Education

Second and third year students of the Medical laboratory diagnostics in healthcare settings study programme presented their results from professional practice and research investigations from their bachelor theses.

On Wednesday 22nd May, the Student Scientific Conference 2024 was traditionally held in the FZS building in Husova street. The event was organized by assistants and students of the Medical laboratory diagnostics in healthcare settings study programme in cooperation with partners APR spol. s r.o., BioVendor - Laboratorní medicína a.s. and Sebia Czech Republic s.r.o.

The Student Scientific Conference was opened by Ing. Tomáš Vlas, who was in charge of editing the professional and formal part of the contributions and also participated in the publication of the fifth conference abstract book.

The second year students presented the methods they had the opportunity to encounter during their classes and professional practice in medical laboratories. These presentations focused on the practical aspects of laboratory diagnostics, allowing first-year students to gain a deeper insight into specific techniques and their applications.

The third year students presented their bachelor theses, specifically the practical part, which they devoted to their own research investigation. For these students, the conference represented an important opportunity to experience the defence of a bachelor thesis before the state final exams.

For the students, the conference was not only an opportunity to present their research and results, but also an opportunity to get valuable feedback from experts and colleagues. Thanks to all the organizers, partners and participants who contributed to the success of the conference.


Faculty of Health Care Studies

Lucie Brůžková

03. 06. 2024