Guided tour of the Together exhibition

13 Únor

13. února, 17:00

Ladislav Sutnar Gallery, Riegrova 11, Plzeň

Public Exhibition

We would like to invite you to a guided tour of the exhibition entitled Together, which will present works created in the Graphic Design and Visual Communication Studio under the guidance of teachers Rostislav Vaněk and Kristina Fišerová.

Enter: free of charge
Intended for: the public
More information at

During the tour with the exhibition curators, Professor Rostislav Vaňek and Professor Kristina Fišerová, the visitors will learn the story of the creation of a unique installation composed of original floral motifs created by students of the Graphic Design and Media Communication Studio, MgA. The curators will present the concept of the exhibition and the genesis of the individual works, which together create an impressive floral tribute to the important teacher Rostislav Vaněk.

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