Launch of Coiling Inclusion project

13 Únor

13. února, 17:00


EUPeace International Conference

We invite you to the launch of the EUPeace Fund-supported project - Coiling Inclusion: towards intersectional LGBTQIA+ teaching at European universities, which will take place online in English on Thursday 13 February at 5pm.

"The aim of the Coiling Inclusion project is to promote equality and inclusion in the face of an increasingly hostile global environment towards the rights of LGBTQIA+ people," said Petr Šimon, ombudsman at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.

In addition to a brief introduction of the project, participants in the online meeting will present the results of a survey on the inclusion of LGBTQIA+ issues in the curriculum at the four participating universities, which are Universidad Pontificia Comillas Madrid, Philipps-Universität Marburg, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and Università della Calabria.

The guests will be Bella FitzPatrick, Executive Director of ILGYO, and Miltos Pavlou from the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.

Link to connect:

The working language will be English.

International Office

Petr Šimon

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