Come on a tour: the University Library will introduce its services not only to newcomers in October

Students University Public

How do loan services work? What do the study rooms look like and what are the opening hours? The library will be answering these and other questions on Mondays and Wednesdays throughout October.

The library will make it easier for newcomers to start their studies at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen by giving them a guided tour of its services. All others who are interested in what the library has to offer are also invited.

Tours of the University Library are scheduled for the whole month of October on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1 pm. The Bory Library on the university campus, the Education and Health Care Library on Klatovská třída and the Arts and Law Library in the Sady Petatřicátníků will be presented.

What is the library planning?

  • will tell you how the borrowing services work;
  • advise how to navigate the open access section or how to order a book from the depository;
  • mentions the interlibrary loan service and describes how it works;
  • introduce electronic information resources (e-books, e-articles, etc.) and recommend how to make the best use of them;
  • get to know the library's reprographic services (copying, printing, scanning);
  • introduce individual/team study rooms;
  • tells how to easily return books using biblioboxes even after library closing time;
  • mention library opening hours;
  • will present an on-line catalogue where you can extend loans, search for literature, etc.

It is possible to arrange an individual excursion at the Economics Library in Cheb during the library's opening hours. If you are interested, please contact our colleague from Cheb by e-mail.

Follow the library's Facebook page and website for more information.

University Library

Jakub Pokorný (translated by

20. 09. 2024