Colombia, Greece, or Thailand? Students shared their experiences of studying abroad at Erasmus Night

International University Education

Erasmus Night attracted students interested in studying abroad, as well as those who have already had such an experience. It was these students who shared their experiences and impressions from different parts of the world. The event thus connected students across the university for one evening.

The 5th annual Erasmus Night took place on Wednesday, November 27, at the Paper Mill in Pilsen. During the evening, students from the University of West Bohemia (UWB) shared stories about their study and internship experiences abroad. Studying abroad has gradually become an integral part of both bachelor's and master's studies at universities. With so many options available, it can be difficult to choose a specific destination. Erasmus Night is designed for all students at UWB, allowing them to connect with peers who have already participated in a study or internship abroad, enabling them to share their experiences and inspire others to take part in similar programs. This year's event was subtitled "Erasmus Night: Stories from Students, Not Just from Erasmus."

"My study was a bit different from what I was used to at home. It was more focused on self-study, seminar papers, completing regular tasks, and online learning. I had plenty of time to travel and explore sunny Crete, and I also visited several other Greek islands. I met many students from around the world, enjoyed the sunshine, gyros, the sea, warm weather, and a lot of fun," shared Natálie Loukotová, a student from the Faculty of Economics, who went on an Erasmus+ exchange to Crete. During her presentation, Kateřina Borovcová from the Faculty of Education talked about her internship experience: "In January 2024, I went on an internship in England, where I worked as a teaching assistant at the Czech School Without Borders. I stepped out of my comfort zone and gained a lot of new experiences and memories. I met new people and made friendships that made my stay in England even more enjoyable. I traveled around much of London and learned more about the local culture. The internship was very enriching, and I would recommend it to everyone."

Through the Freemover/INTER program, you can travel almost anywhere in the world. For example, Simona Svozilová from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering traveled all the way to Colombia. "Thanks to the INTER program, I had the opportunity to spend two months in Colombia. Here, I didn't follow traditional classes but instead visited several laboratories where I conducted experiments for my thesis under supervision, or I asked someone authorized to carry them out. Although I had certain prejudices, and so did others, the university campuses pleasantly surprised me. I visited three campuses that are part of UNAL, and they were all larger than our Bory campus. They were very well equipped and full of greenery."

The event was opened by the rector of UWB, Miroslav Lávička, who motivated students to study abroad in his speech. Magdalena Rousová, the head of the International Office, presented the opportunities for exchange through the university alliance EUPeace, of which ZČU has been a member since 2021. Seven students from six different faculties at UWB then shared their experiences. Erasmus+ students from the Faculty of Applied Sciences - Lucie Pelikánová, Josef Podroužek, and Eliška Smazalová—shared their experiences from their study stay in Spain. Kateřina Borovcová from Faculty of Education presented her internship in England with the Czech School Without Borders.

In a moderated discussion, Klára Frausová from Faculty of Education, who studied in Austria, and Natálie Loukotková from Faculty of Economics, who studied in Crete, shared their Erasmus experiences. The event also featured a section on more distant destinations and exchanges through the Freemover/INTER program. Viktor Kliment from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering  shared his experiences from Thailand, Neli Pestriakova from the Faculty of Design and Art Ladislava Sutnara  talked about studying in Taiwan, and Simona Svozilová from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering shared her experience in Colombia. During the evening, the winners of the "Vyfoť se na Erasmu v tričku" (Take a Photo on Erasmus in a T-shirt) contest were also announced, with prizes awarded to the winners. All students who go abroad on Erasmus through UWB can participate in the competition.

The main guest of the event was Martin Loužecký from the organization Skate World Better. During his talk, he focused primarily on how studying abroad influenced his current work and how it inspired him to start building skateparks in Africa. The event was followed by the Erasmus Night Party, organized by ESN UWB Pilsen, where students had the opportunity to meet international exchange students at UWB.

Are you thinking about studying abroad too? Come visit us at the International Office, and we will help you figure out how to get started.


International Office

Monika Mundilová

02. 12. 2024