University rectors discussed the future of European higher education in Brussels

EUPeace International Cooperation

Representatives of 65 European university alliances met in Brussels in late February to discuss Europe's competitiveness regarding education, research and job market. EUPeace alliance was represented by UWB Rector Miroslav Lávička and alliance Chair Evelyn Korn.

Joint international study programs and diplomas, the harmonization of academic environments, and easier opportunities for study and work stays abroad are among the most significant benefits of European university alliances for students and university staff. The role of university alliances in providing high-quality and competitive education for young people in the future was the key topic of an extraordinary meeting of rectors and presidents of European universities, which took place in Brussels on February 26–27. The participants also had the opportunity to engage in discussions with Roxana Mînzatu, Vice President of the European Commission for Social Rights, Skills, Quality Jobs, and Preparedness.

Roxana Mînzatu presented her vision for the future of the European higher education area, where she clearly sees an increasing role for university alliances. Key topics discussed included the long-term funding of university alliances, the possibility of establishing a joint European diploma, and strategies for better preparing students for current societal challenges and labor market demands. Discussions also covered innovation support, the use of artificial intelligence, sustainability, and student start-ups.

"Although Europe has significant advantages, such as a skilled workforce, a vast single market, and a stable legal environment, it faces major challenges. The greatest weakness remains the slowdown in productivity and innovation. Participation in a European university alliance provides the University of West Bohemia with an opportunity to expand its influence and increase its visibility in the European higher education space. Together with our partners, we can contribute more effectively to the development of research, innovation, and education, thereby strengthening the strategic preparedness of the entire continent," said Miroslav Lávička, Rector of UWB.

Another crucial challenge for Europe is improving the quality and internationalization of higher education. Over the past five years, 65 European university alliances have been established, playing an increasingly important role in connecting universities across Europe. They help overcome the fragmentation of the higher education system, facilitate international mobility, and promote the exchange of experiences among students and academics.

Each alliance was allowed to send two representatives to the meeting. The EUPeace alliance, which aims to promote European values and build a modern, resilient society that effectively utilizes modern technologies, was represented by the alliance's chair, Evelyn Korn, and UWB Rector Miroslav Lávička. "It is an honor for UWB that Evelyn Korn invited us to participate in this discussion. It shows that we are not only strong and trustworthy partners for our colleagues but also valuable and active members of the alliance. This is further confirmed by the fact that the EUPeace alliance, under the auspices of UWB and the Pilsen Region, is organizing a debate in Brussels on March 25 on the topic of Strengthening European Values – Universities and University Alliances at the Heart of the Action," concluded Rector Miroslav Lávička.


Roxana Mînzatu, Vice President of the European Commission for Social Rights, Skills, Quality Jobs, and Preparedness

Evelyn Korn (Deputy President of Philips-Universität in Marburg) and Miroslav Lávička (Rector of University of West Bohemia in Pilsen)

Rectors from left: Silesian University in Opava, University of Ostrava, Brno University of Technology, Palacký University in Olomouc and University of West Bohemia in Pilsen


Andrea Čandová

26. 02. 2025