Students of paramedics exchanged professional experience at the Estonian Tallinn Health Care College

International Seminar Students

Accompanied by their teachers, 5 future paramedics participated in a week-long international programme in Tallinn in cooperation with partners from Estonia, Malta, Cyprus and Turkey.

In the middle of May paramedic students at the Faculty of Health Care Studies of UWB got the opportunity to go to Estonia for the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) at the Estonian partner university Tallinn Health Care College. In common workshops with students from Malta, Cyprus Turkey and also Estonia they tried out many different situations oriented on topics such as the use of artificial intelligence in the learning and teaching process, simulations of emergency medical services, simulations in the field of trauma care and occupational therapy or simulations with the Go-pro camera.

The theme of the BIP was "Learning and Teaching in Technology-Rich Learning Environment in Nursing Curriculum" and before the face-to-face meeting and practical teaching, the participants also met online. Even during the online meetings, they learned many new things. They discussed the use of virtual reality to prepare emergency responders for mass casualty incidents, explored critical thinking and technology, the use of virtual reality to enhance the emotional competencies of nursing learners, or reinforcing the sustainable development goals through simulations of innovative nursing education.

This is how Monika Wohlmuthová, a 2nd year student of the Paramedical science, evaluates the benefits of the five-day trip and the entire intensive programme:

"On Monday morning we had a nice welcoming at the local university Tallinna Tervishoiu Körgkool, where we met other students from Malta, Cyprus, Turkey and of course students from Estonia. We had a very rich program waiting for us, first we had a tour of the university. We were pleasantly surprised by their facilities and simulation centres. We were also impressed by the very spacious library and study room. The students from Malta prepared a lecture on dehydration for us, which was very interesting. At the same time, we were reminded of our knowledge of anatomy and physiology.

On Tuesday it was our turn to present to the other countries how it works at our faculty and at the same time we showed them how we deal with model situations. The students from Estonia showed us the classroom for occupational therapists where we could try e.g. cataract glasses, tremor in the hand, how people feel after a stroke and many other interesting activities.

On Wednesday we learned new knowledge about healthy eating. The students from Turkey enriched us on how to have a proper debriefing and what options we have.

On Thursday a lecture on artificial intelligence awaited us. We learned a lot of new knowledge on how to use artificial intelligence in healthcare. Then we went on a day trip to Mukri Bog, one of the oldest peat bogs in Estonia. There were small lakes all around, and some of us even took a dip in one of them. There was also a 14meter high lookout point, which gave a beautiful view of the whole peat bog.

On the last day we visited the submarine museum, where we also said goodbye. The whole week has been great, we have met students from other countries and also learned about how their health systems work."


Faculty of Health Care Studies

Lucie Brůžková

24. 05. 2024