Starter vouchers are back in action. BoostUp ZČU helps students start their own business

BoostUp Transfer University

Student Business Club BoostUp ZČU informs about the launch of the Start-up Voucher Program. These vouchers are an ideal tool for the successful start-up of entrepreneurial projects and motivate especially students to start their own business.

The Karlovy Vary Region is announcing a new year of the programme, through which individuals running their own business as well as micro-enterprises with no more than ten employees whose business is no older than three years can apply for support.

Each project can receive up to CZK 200,000. Entrepreneurs with up to two years in business can receive up to 80% of the amount requested, while those with two to three years in business can receive 70% of the grant.

The funds received can be used to cover both investment and non-investment costs. The condition for successful use of the grant is that the business must be maintained for at least two years after the money has been used and accounted for.

The information seminar on vouchers will take place on 3 September 2024 in Karlovy Vary. If you are interested, you can register at the link above.

You can find all the conditions of the programme including the necessary annexes on the website of the Karlovy Vary Region.

Submission of applications will begin on 10 September 2024 and the deadline is set for 16 September 2024.



Petr Novák

15. 08. 2024