FZS UWB increases health literacy of pregnant women and mothers by organizing seminars

Further Education Lecture Public

The Faculty of Health Care Studies of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen organized a total of 11 seminars to address the community of pregnant women, mothers and midwives in order to increase their health literacy and prevent risky behaviour during pregnancy and maternity.

A series of 11 seminars focused on increasing health literacy was held from spring to autumn this year at the Faculty of Health Care Studies of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.

Topics related to lifestyle during pregnancy and motherhood, self-care, newborn care and breastfeeding support were covered in seminars for pregnant and breastfeeding women, women planning pregnancy and midwives-to-be. The aim was clear, namely to increase the health literacy of this community and thus prevent risky behaviour during pregnancy and motherhood. Each workshop included educational activities along with practical training.

"I evaluate the seminars as very beneficial. Especially first-time mothers, who usually have no experience with motherhood and newborn care, found the theoretical and practical focus of the seminars very useful. I also perceive a great benefit for future midwives, who will expand their knowledge and will be able to educate women in the period of motherhood," evaluated the course of the seminars lecturer Kristina Janoušková (FZS UWB).

Alena Lochmannová, Head of the Department of Development and International Relations at UWB, is the principal investigator of the project Supporting Healthy Pregnancy, Childbirth, Breastfeeding and Self-Care. The last two seminars on Alcohol and Smoking in Pregnancy and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome were held under the guidance of doctor Lukáš Prajka from the University Hospital Pilsen, who was also the expert guarantor of the whole event.

The project Support for healthy pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and self-care, 82/24/PPZ, is implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, Health Promotion, Increasing the Efficiency and Quality of Health Care Programm.


Faculty of Health Care Studies

Lucie Brůžková

25. 10. 2024