Why choose us? The University of West Bohemia presented itself at a gymnasium in Pilsen

University Public Education

A series of presentations and individual inquiries provided students with insights into studying at the University of West Bohemia.

One hundred and twenty students from the third year of the gymnasium on Mikulášské náměstí, Pilsen, received an answer to the question 'Where to go after graduation?' In the auditorium there, all faculties of the University of West Bohemia were introduced to them.

During an hour and a half, the high school students watched five-minute presentations from the University of West Bohemia, the Faculty of Applied Sciences, the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art, the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, the Faculty of Philosophy, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, and the Faculty of Health Sciences. Afterwards, representatives from the faculties were ready to answer individual questions at their stands. This opportunity was also available to fourth-year students.



Pavel Korelus (translated by ChatGPT)

08. 02. 2024