Try out in April the AI tool for analyzing scientific articles and citations

Students Science and research Employees

Scite_ is a tool for in-depth citation analysis. With it, you can find out how many times a given article has been cited, more easily avoid citing scam research, quickly evaluate the quality of research, and assess the impact and context of citations.

Scite_ will quickly and efficiently help you:

  • Ensure you are citing reproducible research: Scite_ can show how an article has been cited and whether it has been supported or refuted by subsequent research.
  • Go beyond simple citation counts: delve into richer information to assess the impact and context of citations.
  • Discover the most supported or discussed research, quickly evaluate the quality of research: through advanced search and Citation Statement Search in Scite_.
  • Create instant summary overviews in PDF on any topic, where you identify: i) who publishes the most reliable research on a given topic, ii) what it says, iii) where it comes from institutionally, and iv) how these pieces of information looked in the past and in the latest literature.
  • Track topics from biology to humanities and uncover whether research findings are supported or refuted by subsequent studies.
  • Avoid fake science: Identify highly discussed research and make sure you are not citing or building your project on retracted or fraudulent research.

A trial access to Scite_ will be set up for the entire university (from the IP addresses of UWB) from April 1 to April 30 at the address

Let the library know how satisfied you are with the tool, at the email

For more information about electronic information sources available to you, check the Resources section on the library's website.


University Library

Jakub Pokorný (translated by ChatGPT)

28. 03. 2024