UWB Open Day in Karlovy Vary

29 Leden

29. ledna, 10:00

nábřeží Jana Palacha 20, 360 01 Karlovy Vary

University Education

This year, for the first time, applicants can come to Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) to see the lecture halls and ask about what interests them.

Intended for: applicants and their companions
More information at dod.zcu.cz

The Faculty of Education of the University of West Bohemia opened a new study programme in Carlsbad in September 2024, Kinanthropology - Wellness Specialist. It focuses on the comprehensive training of professionals in the field of wellness and spa.
Come and find out all about studying or admissions at the UWB Open Day. Lecturers will be answering questions from 10 am to 12 pm. 



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