Exhibition of Semester Final Projects from the Winter Term

27  -  06 Leden - Únor

27. ledna, 16:00 - 6. února, 18:00

Fakulta designu a umění Ladislava Sutnara ZČU, Univerzitní 28, Plzeň

Students Exhibition

On January 27, an exhibition of winter semester final projects will open at the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art. The exhibition will be open to visitors until February 6, including the weekend of February 1–2. We invite the general public to attend.

Enter: free of charge
Intended for: the public

The regular exhibition of semester final projects offers visitors an overview of the current work of students from 21 studios at the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art. The opening of the exhibition, to which we invite the general public, will take place on Monday, January 27, at 4:00 PM in the drawing hall of the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (Univerzitní 28, Pilsen).

Visitors can enjoy the exhibition on weekdays from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM, as well as on the weekend of February 1–2 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

Monika Bechná

27. 01. 2025, 16:00

19 Březen

American Center Pilsen, Univerzitní 22, room UU309, Pilsen

University Library

19. 03. 2025, 17:00

07 Květen

Bory Library hall, Univerzitní 18, Pilsen

University Library

07. 05. 2025, 17:00

10  -  07 Únor - Březen

Bory Library hall, Univerzitní 18, Pilsen, Mon-Thu 8.00-18.00, Fri 8.00-15.00

University Library

10. 02. 2025

13 Únor

Ladislav Sutnar Gallery, Riegrova 11, Plzeň

Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

13. 02. 2025, 17:00