UWB is preparing its own sustainability strategy. It will include new study programs

Press Release University Public

The impacts on the environment, on society as a whole and available resources—these topics will be addressed by the new study program, which will be the first example of sustainable education at the University of West Bohemia. It is a part of the "UWB 2025: Towards a Sustainable University" project.

Environmental Engineering is the name of the new study program being prepared for future students by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of West Bohemia (FME UWB). Its opening is planned for the academic year 2026/27. "The ambition of FST is to provide an alternative for students interested in technical education with a focus on environmental issues. Graduates will gain knowledge in zero-waste technologies, material recycling, and the energy contexts of modern engineering," said the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Vladimír Duchek.

The focus of the study program directly corresponds to the societal need for sustainable ecological and social practices in business management. An example of unique projects that the new environmental engineers might engage in during their studies was the March presentation of a trap for the Asian hornet, which researchers from the RTI research center printed on a 3D printer. This is a special material that decomposes in nature after several years.

As part of the project UWB 2025: Towards a Sustainable University, the offerings of some courses in existing study programs will also be transformed. This will involve courses at the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, and the Faculty of Economics. Three entirely new lifelong learning courses will also be launched:

Specifically, at Sutnar Faculty, the first course will offer participants insight into the development of architecture and design of educational environments, with an emphasis on developing so-called green competencies for the 21st century. These competencies will enable graduates to actively work professionally in the field of educational policies, whether in their development and design or in their implementation.

The aim of the second lifelong learning course will be to provide a comprehensive introduction to the green transformation of the European Union in relevant political contexts. "The target groups, whose professional lives will be significantly impacted by the green transformation, include public administration employees and academic institution staff. Therefore, the second proposed course, which will be overseen by the Faculty of Arts, is intended for them," explains Vice-Rector for External Relations and Communication, Jan Váně.

The goal of the final course at the Faculty of Education will be to acquaint participants with the issues of environmental education, training, and awareness. Topics will include sustainability strategies and responsibilities, such as green and blue investments, circular economy, carbon emission reduction, and climate change adaptation. Participants will thus learn what the Green Deal entails.

"Last but not least, UWB will also strive to be a strong partner promoting sustainability in the regional context. Our goal is to deepen and further expand existing cooperation with the Pilsen Region focused on aspects of sustainable development and the green transformation of the region," adds Vice-Rector for External Relations and Communication, Jan Váně.

The project is funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports from the National Recovery Plan's operational program NPO 7.4 - Adaptation of Educational Programs - Support for Green Skills and Sustainability in Higher Education for the years 2023-2025.




Andrea Čandová

03. 06. 2024