The office of The Energy Consulting and Information Center moves to the Faculty of Applied Sciences

Press Release University Public

Do you want to learn how to use energy efficiently? The Energy Consulting and Information Center (EKIS) at the UWB Faculty of Applied Sciences provides free consultations with regards to everything connected with the use of energy in buildings.

This service is available to individuals, small businesses, corporations as well as representatives of municipalities and regions.

“Since August of this year, the EKIS Center at the Faculty of Applied Sciences has been open to the general public. We provide consultations either in person on the premises of the Department of Civil Engineering in room UC124 or online through an electronic form, says Jan Pašek from FAV, who is also the contact person at EKIS. Upon opening the form, the user can choose from a wide range of topics which their question relates to. If you are interested in the price of energy, electric mobility, passive homes, energy production from renewable sources or other topics concerning the use of energy in buildings, just send us your question and you will get an answer from us within a week. "If someone prefers to deal with us in person, they can come to see us at the Faculty building at Technická 8, Pilsen, where consultants are available every Monday and Wednesday between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m.. The same times also apply to video consultations," explains Jan Pašek, who can be contacted via email at Consultations are free of charge.

The Faculty of Applied Sciences received the EKIS status from the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MPO) based on an assessment of the expertise of its team of consultants. UWB is currently the only higher education institution that has received the EKIS status and the related subsidy from MPO. Apart from FAV, people can find experts in over 60 EKIS centers in all regions of the Czech Republic.

Faculty of Applied Sciences

Šárka Stará

16. 08. 2022