Faculty of Education Has a Student Ombudsman

Ethics Students Employees

The Faculty of Education of UWB has established the post of student ombudsman, who should assist in the faster and more effective resolution of problematic situations that students may encounter in the course of their studies. The defender of the rights of students is Pavel Moc.

The Faculty of Education of UWB has established the post of student ombudsman, who should assist in the faster and more effective resolution of problematic situations that students may encounter in the course of their studies. The defender of the rights of students at the Faculty of Education is Pavel Moc, the chair of the student chamber of the academic senate of the faculty.

"Learning occurs much better in a safe environment. That is why we have long sought an institute that directly advocates the rights of students and contributes to improving the social environment at the faculty," says Pavel Mentlík, Dean of the Faculty of Education.

The post of student ombudsman was introduced by the Dean"If this institute proves successful, I think it would be a good idea to integrate it into the basic internal regulations of the faculty," the Dean says. According to him, the establishment of the student ombudsman is the result of a long-term effort and several months of cooperation between faculty management, the student chamber of the Faculty of Education Academic Senate, Faculty of Education senators from among academics, members of the Dean's collegium and the UWB Legal Department.

The post of student ombudsman is connected at the UWB Faculty of Education with membership of the student chamber of the faculty’s academic senate. Student senators can either agree that the elected chair of the student body will become the ombudsman, or they can elect a separate ombudsman. In the event that the ombudsman has a conflict of interest in a case, they will delegate a representative selected from the other student senators to handle the case. According to the Dean of the faculty, the combination of the student ombudsman and membership of the academic senate is appropriate, as he feels this will strengthen the perception of the importance of the senate among the student body.

"The introduction of the ombudsman function was a priority for the student curia of the Faculty of Education Academic Senate," says Michal Švec, deputy student ombudsman. He also mentions that the position of ombudsman should contribute to the overall well-being of students at the UWB Faculty of Education. Pavel Moc, the student ombudsman, has already become familiar with the first complaints, which are being resolved to the benefit of all – students and staff alike.                                                                     

Faculty of Education

Šárka Stará

03. 04. 2023