Faculty of Electrical Engineering participates in the development of an innovative photodetector

Cooperation Achievements Science

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEL) of the University of West Bohemia boasts another European Horizon Europe project, the MSCA-SE call. A consortium of institutions from five countries will develop a highly sensitive photodetector for nuclear medicine.

The project, called Innovative Photodetector Module for Advanced Hybrid Magnetic Resonance Imaging/Positron EmissionTomography Scanners for Nuclear Medicine (INNMEDSCAN), brought together scientists and engineers from Portugal, the Czech Republic, Turkey, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan.

By exchanging experience and knowledge in the fields of physics, technology, and engineering, by strengthening modern expertise in optoelectronics, and by using advanced technological approaches and methods, they will develop a highly sensitive prototype detection module for the next generation of PET-MRI scanners. A device that simultaneously displays magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography, enabling doctors to diagnose patients more accurately and in a more timely manner.

The research team of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, consisting of Ondřej Urban (principal investigator for UWB), Vladimír Pavlíček, Jan Zich, and Pavel Broulím, started working on the project together with experts from the countries mentioned above in March 2023. “So far, our team has mainly been working on ionising radiation detectors for physical experiments. Thanks to our participation in this project, the opportunity has opened up for us to penetrate the field of radiology and to expand our field of activity by another very interesting and socially beneficial field. It is also great that we have established cooperation with other partners who have deep experience in designing and manufacturing radiation sensors," says Ondřej Urban.

The Czech Republic is also represented in the consortium by the Prague CTU, whose team is led by Michael Holík, who also works at FEE UWB. The work of the FEE UWB team will end in February 2027. The project results will be followed by the scientific development of the new generation of highly sensitive detectors and then the creation of advanced detection devices.

The project aims to ensure the European Union's leadership in innovation in diagnostic technologies and to improve research and innovation potential in Europe and worldwide. Its main contributions include fostering international collaboration in the field of nanoelectronics towards medical engineering, promoting substantial advances at the frontiers of knowledge as well as producing new lines of investigation, products, and processes, including advanced research at the interface of nuclear physics, nanoelectronics, medical engineering, computer science, modeling, and industrial engineering.

Collaboration between industry and academia, including the creation of collaborative links beyond Europe, will be another significant benefit for all involved.


Research team

Pacient scan

Proposed module sketch

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Kateřina Newton, Pavel Korelus

12. 05. 2023